Direction artistique: Artistic direction : Antonin Leymarie, Gérald Chevillon, Damien Sabatier, Joachim Florent et Rémy Poulakis
Country : France
Place : Occitanie

GRIO – GRand Impérial Orchestra
Impérial Orphéon
Impérial Quartet
Impérial Pulsar
Vox Populi
La Cité Sans Voile


La Tendresse
80 impasse Flouch
34 070 Montpellier FRANCE
+33 (0)6 61 20 98 17

© Camille Sauvage

Compagnie Impérial is a collection of some of the most dynamic creators and improvisers on the French music scene. They have performed in and worked with some of the most innovative musical ensembles: Surnatural Orchestra, Tous Dehors, Jean Louis, and the Coax collective. A determinedly contemporary musical approach – along with the intense energy they generate on stage and the pleasure they clearly take in sharing their music – make Compagnie Impérial a collective like no other. They draw on influences from all four corners of today’s musical world, daring to combine the energy of rock with operatic lyricism, the delicacy of jazz, pop tunes, and Mandinka rhythms. This diverse range of influences is expressed in four bands: Impérial Quartet, Impérial Pulsar, Impérial Orphéon, and GRIO.


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